Hi! My name is Mohamed Yasin 🦁

Selfless leader, world traveler and problem solver!

I am an aspiring Software Engineer, with a keen interest in Data Science, particularly the field of Machine Learning. I am open to opportunities to add value, whilst honing my skills. I am always down for an adventure. I hope that this virtual experience will give you insight into who I am: personally and professionally. Welcome to my portfolio.

Work Experience

Where I've worked

Telesom Company

April 2020 - August 2022

Web Development Intern

Collaborated with a team of developers and designers to create modern and visually appealing websites using JavaScript and React.

Maamuus Hotel

August 2018 - February 2020

Marketing Manager

Led the development and delivery of the annual marketing and communications plan and budget in line with the hotel's strategic priorities and revenue goal to optimize organic reach from 13% to 30% in a span of 6 months.


What I've learnt

African Leadership University

Software Engineering
2022 - 2025

Relevant courses: Learning Processes, Reflective Thinking, FCSE - Programming,
Self Leadership and Team Dynamics, Front-end Web Development and Web Infrastructure.

African Leadership Academy

Business and Computer Science
2019 - 2021

Relevant courses: Java, Economics and Finance,
Systems Analysis and Design, Ethics in IT

Personal Projects

What I have explored and enjoyed


Data Science Projects

Implemented a model that predicts potential repeat customers, which boosted company sales by 30% by enabling the execution of audience-specific marketing strategies, by leveraging IBM Watson Studio.

Google Get Ahead

Google Get Ahead Program

Participated in a 6-week exclusive apprenticeship, for selected students across EMEA, focused on building technical skills, and acing tech interviews.

Python Projects

Python Projects

  • Built an application known as ALU PyQuest which is a python-based scavenger hunt that offers Software Engineering students at ALU a fun and engaging way to revise their python curriculum through interactive quizzes.


What I bring to the table


What excites me

Meeting New People

with model Halima



Contact Details

Where I can be found

Professional Life

Personal Life

Passion Projects